Date Posted mayo 27, 2020

Adoption Costs

Keith Morrison

When a family considers adoption, one of the first problems they often encounter is the cost of adoption. The costs associated with adopting a child can be overwhelming; however, with proper planning and budgeting, the challenge of paying for an adoption can be met.

The costs of adoption vary by the type of adoption being pursued. The cost estimates for the four basic types of adoption are:

Foster Adoption $0-$5,000.00
Domestic Agency $20,000 and up
Domestic Independent $10,000 and up
International $25,000 and up


For any of these types of adoption, the important thing to remember is to plan for the expenses in advance. The expenses typically must be paid at various times over the life of your adoption journey. They usually do not have to be paid all at once.

The most common expenses related to adoptions involve agency fees, home study, attorney’s fees, counseling, medical expenses, travel expenses and court fees. In addition to using personal financial assets, many people turn to other sources of help to fund their adoptions. These resources can include family help, grants, crowdfunding efforts, and various fundraising efforts.

Fortunately, for adoptions finalized in 2022, there is a federal adoption tax credit of up to $14,890 per child. Taxpayers can use this credit to reduce their federal tax liability. The credit is available in various amounts for all families which have up to $263,410 in adjusted gross income. The credit begins to phase out for higher income families. To qualify for the credit, you simply have to incur typical adoption expenses for a successful or failed adoption that are concluded in the tax year. The qualified expenses include adoption fees, court costs, and other expenses directly related to the legal adoption of an eligible child. The credit does not apply to the adoption of a stepchild.

If you have additional questions about the costs associated with adoptions or any other adoption-related matters, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.  We have many years of experience and can help guide you through the adoption process.  With offices in Fayetteville and Little Rock, our Arkansas adoption attorney, Keith Morrison, can assist families throughout the state. Contact us today by calling (479) 521-5820 e-mailing: [email protected], or by filling out the below contact form.

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